I initiated my formal study of nutrition during my college years. Recognizing the strong correlation between diet and disease and driven by the aspiration to integrate my six years study of nutritional supplements with healthful foods into my future practice, I embarked on a journey to obtain a Registered Dietitian degree to help patients improve their health.
Nearing the completion of my course studies in 1981, I sat totally shocked in class to learn that as an R.D., I could not recommend ANY nutritional supplements to patients – just food and meal planning. Under R.D. regulations, the only recommendation for Vitamin C that could be made for a patient was one-half orange. As I sat dumbfounded in my seat, my immediate thought was that even healthy people can’t stay healthy on one-half orange a day!!! I immediately knew that I could not work within the confines of an R.D. degree, and additionally, it had become apparent to me that most physicians were not receptive to complementary medicine and integrating the use of dietary supplements to help patients heal.
Honoring the value of information I had gained through nutritional science and the collective knowledge of nutrition supplements, I walked out of the classroom in pride – never to return.
In 1982, while working as Hearing Officer at U.S. Bankruptcy Court at the Federal Building in downtown Sacramento, I suffered from a stroke due to extreme chemical sensitivities from exposure to chemicals including formaldehyde from a newly constructed courtroom. My frequent absences and inability to fulfill the obligations of my position ultimately led to the loss of my position with the U.S. Courts in April, 1984.
After numerous failed appointments with medical doctors and my reluctance to adhere to their prescribed treatments which just did not feel right to me, I made a very important decision to follow my inner wisdom and instincts for healing my body through nontraditional therapies.
I decided to forgo my pending lawsuit against the U.S Courts and the Environmental Protection Agency over failed environmental standards in the federal building because in order to win a lawsuit, I would have to remain sick long-term. And that image did not fit my visions of how I would live my life.
The rapid improvements for regaining my health through aggressive and progressive alternative therapies after my departure from U.S. Bankruptcy Court in April of 1984 enabled me to establish my private practice as a Holistic Health Practitioner in July of 1984.
Through the combination of my formal education and independent health studies of nutrition, plus the special Gift that I possess, I utilized my collective knowledge to help improve my clients health through the use of specific high-quality nutritional supplements and probiotics – many of which I continue to utilize in my practice.
My practice continued to grow through client referrals and in 1988, I had the great opportunity to move my practice to Preventive Medicine Clinic in Sacramento to study and work with world renowned physician Dr. Garry Gordon. Dr. Gordon recognized my expertise and passion in integrative medicine and encouraged me to join him and other physicians at the clinic in pursuing a degree as a Naturopathic Doctor via an independent study course through Clayton School for Natural Healing which I completed in 1989.
Here are four very important takeaways in working with Integrative Medicine therapies:
1. Comprehensive lab test analysis with an emphasis on optimal reference ranges typically identifies inflammation as the primary cause of disease, and
2. Hormone deficiencies and imbalances often prevent a patient from following their Health Protocol consistently enough to remain motivated long enough for health to improve.
3. High quality dietary supplements are crucial for healing your body – and some brands are superior to others.
4. Eating right for your blood type can lower inflammation and improve overall health.
Key Points for How I Work with Clients:
- First and foremost, I will take a detailed health history and ask you what your health goals are in order of your preference.
- Once we have a plan, I will need lab tests to identify what I refer to as “deficiencies and Imbalances.” You will have three options:
- A) I can write a Lab Test Recommendations Letter which you can present for your doctor to order for you. The letter will list specific blood tests and diagnostics tests to access your overall health.
- B) If your physician will not order these tests, or only orders some, I can order the remainder for you.
- C) I can order all of the lab tests for you. Note: Lab tests that I order for you, are out-of-pocket expenses and must be paid in advance.
- Once your lab test results are available, we will schedule an appointment to discuss the results. My treatment recommendations will include dietary improvements and dietary supplements which will primarily be my private label because I believe they are best.
- At your request, we can have follow up appointments based on your needs and progress. This can include monitoring lab test levels, adjusting diet and dietary supplements, and updates to your health needs.
Prescription medication vs. dietary supplements: Just so you know — I will support your choice, even if I believe otherwise. If I believe there are some effective and safer options for you within my realm of treatment, I will discuss those with you if you are interested.
All services and expenses are paid out of pocket at the time they are provided.
Current Office Locations –
1984: Sacramento
2000: Carmel
2012: Santa Barbara
2023: San Luis Obispo
Anti-Aging Specialty:
In 1991, I became a member of the highly acclaimed American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) and developed my specialization in Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy.
Continuing to stay at the forefront of my field, I actively participate in progressive holistic and anti-aging medical conferences which serve as platforms for the dissemination of the latest research on integrative medicine and alternative therapies practiced worldwide.
My highly diversified background includes formal education, vocational training, independent study and recognition in the following areas:
- Registered Nutrition Consultant (1989)
- Naturopath: Clayton College of Natural Health (1989)
- Board Certified Naturopath:
- American Association of Naturopathic Physicians,
District of Columbia (1991)
- American Association of Naturopathic Physicians,
- American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (1991)
Read More About DeLaney
DeLaney Gabriel, HHP
1957 ▲ Identified the Connection between Diet and Disease
At the age of nine, I learned first-hand about the link between “what you eat and how you feel.” Growing up in a very small community in Sparks, Oklahoma (population 80,) my childhood was greatly affected by the poor physical and emotional health of my adopted mother who was in and out of hospitals until she died at the age of 56.
Self-centered as are most children in their adolescence, I was primarily concerned about my own well-being. I greatly looked forward to the family’s Saturday trip to town. To me, the connection between diet and disease was this simple: If my mom ate pancakes for breakfast, she would get sick and I wouldn’t get to go to town! That was my first exposure to the health condition known as Candida Albicans and to the connection between diet and disease.
1970’s ▲ Formal Study of Nutrition
Though my childhood experiences were my first introduction into the health field, in the early 1970’s I began formal study of nutrition at Central State University in Edmond, Oklahoma working in the Health Occupations Department. Recognizing that dietary changes were not sufficient enough to address disease, I pursued a degree as a Registered Dietitian.
My formal education at CSU continued part-time for several years during my service as Jury Clerk for the U.S. District Court in Oklahoma City. I continued my education for an additional two years at American River College after my appointment as Hearing Officer at U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Sacramento in 1979.
1981 ▲ Independent Study of Alternative Therapies
In 1981, I embarked on independent study of nutritional supplements by studying the works of modern pioneers in the field.
Modern belief by most people at that time was to adhere to their medical doctors advice and take their medications as directed.
My journey into holistic health was greatly influenced by exposure to holistic health freedom advocates during the laetrile court case in 1975 before U. S. District Judge Luther Bohanon in Oklahoma City. Judge Bohanon’s ruling in favor of a person’s freedom of choice ultimately was this: A person has the right to make choices for their health – even if it’s wrong. That ruling left a lasting impact on me personally and professionally. And it has been impactful also in honoring choices that my clients make for themselves.
1982 ▲ Personal Illness Led to Career Change
During my tenure as Hearing Officer at U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Sacramento, I became very ill and numerous physicians could not determine the cause. Over time, it was determined that my debilitation was caused by an immune system overload of environmental chemicals from the new Hearing Room. My condition was later categorized as “Sick Building Syndrome” and because I was unable to carry out the responsibilities of my position, I was “released” from my job in 1983.
A single mother with a 12-year-old daughter, I was desperate to regain my health. Initially seeking help from skilled physicians, I eventually lost hope in traditional medicine’s ability to restore my health and turned to self-treatment based on my former holistic studies and sought out experts in the field of integrative medicine and insatiably studied their work. Understanding Divine Intervention, this journey was my greatest teacher and to date I credit those health pioneers and medical mavericks leading to the recovery of my health and my professional success in Integrative Medicine with a Holistic focus.
Since childhood, I had witnessed the correlations between diet and disease. I witnessed diet affecting families physically, emotionally, and financially. My quest for answers was finally satisfied in 1983 when Candida Albicans was recognized as a primary cause of gastrointestinal dysbiosis which was prevalent among those who had a history of antibiotic usage.
1984 ▲ Established Private Practice in Sacramento CA
In 1984, armed with knowledge and my own personal experience with Candida, I was determined to get to the root cause. Having learned the connection between what you eat and how you feel, I drastically changed my diet by eliminating most wheat, dairy and sugar. I also learned the benefits of utilizing probiotics to restore intestinal flora /bacteria and added a highly effective probiotic supplement to my regimen.
My success in helping people with Candida and other intestinal conditions provided the business model to establish my private practice as a Holistic Health Practitioner in Sacramento in 1984. My success and passion to help others also led me to actively participate in the Candida Research and Information Foundation (C.R.I.F.) and to organize health seminars for my Candida support group which I named Yeast Busters! Recognizing that environmental chemicals from the court room had an enormous effect on my overall health and contributed to my prior cardiac events, I served as president of the Human Ecology Action League (H.E.A.L.) to raise public awareness of this issue.
1988 ▲ Preventive Medical Clinic
In 1988, Through a stroke of serendipity and Divine Intervention I was invited to work with world-renowned physician Garry Gordon, M.D. at Preventive Medical Clinic in Sacramento. Eagerly accepting the opportunity, I moved my practice to the clinic and began my work in integrative medicine and anti-aging therapies. I successfully treated patients for a wide range of health maladies including these in alphabetical order: addiction, adrenal fatigue, allergies, arthritis, asthma, cancer, Candida Albicans, kidney disease including gout, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, depression, diabetes, gastrointestinal conditions, hypothyroidism, immune system disorders, kidney disease and renal failure including out menopause, and neurological diseases.
At Preventive Medicine Clinic, we utilized numerous integrative medicine procedures to treat patients who came to the clinic for treatments that were not available to them locally.
Thanks to Dr. Gordon, I had access to ordering comprehensive lab tests that are not typically used in medical offices, and with a focus on optimal lab test levels including thorough hormone analysis, I was able to help patients overcome health conditions which had otherwise been overlooked or treated unsuccessfully. I am confident that I was drawn there to understudy Dr. Gordon as a crash course in a multitude of integrative medicine therapies which I continue to recommend in my practice.
1989 ▲ Professional Affiliation: American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM)
Encouraged by Dr. Gordon and other physicians at Preventive Medical Clinic, I pursued a degree as a Naturopathic Doctor. A natural to the profession, I completed the distance learning program through Clayton School of Natural Health and received my credential as Naturopathic Doctor in 1989. After two years of work toward a specialization in anti-aging medicine, I became credentialed as a Board-Certified Naturopath in 1991.
Seminars sponsored by the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), introduced me to legendary medical doctors who pioneered non-traditional health therapies worldwide. In break-out sessions, physicians and researchers in the field presented scientific research on nutritional therapeutics. These
seminars provided a strong foundation for my practice in alternative and complementary medicine.
1989 ▲ Identified Connection between Health and Hormones
While working with patients at Preventive Medicine Clinic, I identified the connection between numerous health conditions and hormone deficiencies and imbalances. A pivotal moment occurred when I was sitting alone in my office with the door closed and as I sketched a pie graph naming the primary health conditions, and diseases I treated. Doodling at the center point of the graph, I asked myself out loud, “What is it that all of these have in common?” The answer came quickly and clearly – “Hormones!!!” I felt it, and I knew it was right. This realization led me to specialize in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT).
By 1989, BHRT had become my specialty and I was introduced to John Lee, M.D., a leader and educator in the field of hormones who became my mentor. Dr. Lee wrote numerous books on the subject of hormones and was a strong advocate of bioidentical non-prescription / natural Progesterone from the Wild Mexican Yam for treating various anomalies of female health.
Serendipitously, I also became professionally affiliated with a pharmacist who specialized in compounding Bio-Identical Hormones. Over time, I learned not only how to prescribe Bio-Identical Hormones, but I also became a specialist in treating patients utilizing the more natural forms of hormones and other anti-aging therapies.
My treatment criteria is primarily that while younger women and those possibly up to the their mid-50’s may do well with prescription BHRT – but for women beyond that age group, I often tell them that taking high-powered hormones can be like putting rocket fuel in a 57 Chevy!!!
Feeling complete with my tenure at the Clinic, I moved my practice so I could dedicate more time for studying the connection between health and hormones. Aware of medical politics and the controversy amongst physicians over traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), I dedicated most of my time to “researching research.” Determined to remain uninfluenced by all others, my pursuit of The Truth about the connection between hormones and cancer or other serious side effects took me on a very long personal journey which involved many late nights at UC Davis Medical Library.
I became confident that because the body cannot completely metabolize traditional HRT drugs, those drugs can pose great risk whether used short- or long-term.
Because bio-identical hormones identically match those hormones produced within the human body, I concluded that while there are risks in taking BHRT, there are perhaps even greater risks in doing nothing!
Ultimately, the main thing that I learned was this: I knew – that I knew – what I knew in the very beginning: Bio-Identical Hormones are safer than traditional HRT.
1991 ▲ Holistic Health and Hormone Specialist
By 1991, my work in BHRT had developed as my specialty. I had also learned to utilize comprehensive lab tests as my primary diagnostic tool in helping my patients. I identified deficiencies and imbalances by focusing on the optimum reference range of every lab test whereas traditional medical procedure is to focus primarily on lab tests that are outside the reference range.
As a Holistic Health Practitioner whose field is not licensed in California, I worked with physicians who prescribed the hormones that I recommended for my clients and I continued to monitor their symptoms, treatment lab tests as needed.
2000 ▲ Established Practice in Carmel
In 2000, my husband and I relocated to Carmel and I established a second office there.
I continued to provide full-service holistic therapies to treat a wide range of health conditions for my patients in Sacramento and nationwide clients via telephone appointments.
2003 ▲ Private Label Supplements
I introduced several private-label supplements in 2003. My dedication as a results-oriented practitioner led me to collaborate with industry leaders, allowing me to provide high-quality dietary supplements to my clients.
The success of my business has largely been due to the high quality of the dietary supplements that I provide to my clients and to others online.
There is a huge difference amongst dietary supplements when it comes to quality. In the course of building and maintaining my business, I have found great value and support in connecting with highly dedicated owners of long-standing reputable supplement companies who refuse to sell to investment capitalists whose primary interest is in profitability from a rapidly growing dietary supplement industry.
My private label brand of “DeLaney Gabriel” supplements are manufactured in FDA regulated facilities and are for the exclusive use of qualified health care practitioners only. All other supplements on my website are also restricted for use by healthcare practitioners only.
2012 ▲ Established Santa Barbara as Office Headquarters
Thanks to technology, maintaining client contact has been easily achieved with current clients and new ones through regular telephone calls, FaceTime and Zoom calls.
My clients sometimes express their concerns that I will retire; and they ask where I continue to get my energy to do this work. My answers are honest and simple: I love what I do; I know that I have a calling, and my goal is to die really young at a very old age!!!
Formal Education, Vocational Training and Independent Study
► Central State University, Edmond OK (1973-1979)
► American River College (1980-1983)
► Preventive Medical Clinic, Sacramento CA (1988-1990)
► Registered Nutrition Consultant (1989)
American Nutrition Consultants Association
► Naturopath: Clayton College of Natural Health (1989)
► American College for Advancement in Medicine (1989)
► Board Certified Naturopath: American Association of
Naturopathic Physicians, District of Columbia (1991)
► American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
(Active member since 1992)
► Thierry Hertoghe, M.D. – Endocrinology/Thyroid Disorders (1998-Present)
► American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) Fellowship Program: Hormone Therapy (2007)
I remain at the forefront of my field and attend progressive holistic and anti-aging medical conferences which present the latest research and clinical applications of complementary and alternative therapies used throughout the world.
Since 1989, I have studied side-by-side and in the lecture halls of some of the all-time greatest physicians and educators in the health field. I credit the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine for providing the foundation of my knowledge of science-based nutritional therapies which soothe my soul and feed my passion.
Wishing you the very best of health!
DeLaney Gabriel, HHP