I recently received an email from one of my long-term clients and I knew that people would have questions about how to stay safe and that they would be calling on me. To better help people, I drew up this Immune Boosting Protocol with treatment options that I follow for myself. In my work as a Holistic Health Practitioner and Anti-Aging Specialist, I am very mindful of things I say that might lead someone to think a protocol will lead to a cure, so I want to clarify that that isn’t a word I would typically use. So, I wanted to share some general information.
I have several concerns about COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, and viruses in general. I’m not convinced, for people who get the virus, that they’ll ever get over it and I don’t know that it will permanently leave your body. I do know that it will affect different people differently based on the strength of your immune system and whether you’ve had lung issues, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, or how healthy you are in general. So, that’s certainly something to consider. I’m not convinced that if you get the antibodies, that you’re going to be safe.
There’s just a lot of responsibility that goes with this turf and we have to be very careful and very mindful.
I have concerns about people who’ve had COVID-19 and have been treated medically, especially for those who’ve been intubated, because sometimes the tissue of the lungs is just too thick and the extra oxygen and so forth just doesn’t play well and, even though those people come out of the hospital and seem to be recovered from COVID-19, I’ve got concerns about what that will be long term for them.
So, what I do know and what I do believe, is that having the best immune system that you can going into this COVID-19 situation is important. That’s why I put on my immune system protocol on paper.
DeLaney’s Immune Boosting Protocol
The treatment choices I follow are comprised of the following components. Download the PDF to get details on what doses I use for different situations, depending on if it’s cold and flu season, whether I’ve been exposed to others with symptoms, or if I feel like I’m already coming down with something.
- Vitamin A Drops
- Vitamin D3 Drops and/or Vitamin D3 5000 I.U.
- Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids
- Zinc
- ProBiotics
- Immune Support Herbs
This is a supplement, an herbal tincture, that I’ve used in my practice for over 30 years. I just love it as a first-line defense in a small dosage and then preventive and real treatment. I go into a higher dosage and it’s very possible that some of the dosages that I use for myself are beyond what your comfort level would be. So, you’ll just need to figure that out for yourselves and let your body’s response to that be your guide. - ACS 200
This is a form of colloidal silver. I love this product because I know the owner of the company and he worked with one of my favorite mentors in formulating this. It’s just a wonderful form of colloidal silver and is one of the things that I’ve used at some really high dosages on occasion when I thought I was coming down with something.
I hope that this helps you and I wish you all the best of health in avoiding COVID-19 or any other virus and recovering from it well and having a long and healthy life afterward.